Monday, April 30, 2012

Crafting Balance (3KCBWDAY7)

OK, I started this post yesterday (which was the official end of Knit and Crochet Blog Week). Then life got busy, and I didn't end up finishing it. So maybe it's appropriate that today's topic is balance in crafting...

The original theme was supposed to be about balance in fiber crafts, i.e., knitting and crochet.
However, I'm going to extend this to balance in all types of crafting (I thought about extending it to include work/life balance in general, but I think I'll save that idea for another day).

First of all, I only know how to knit. I have friends that crochet, and would like to knit one of these days, but I keep getting distracted by other things! What are some of these crafts?

Well, I took a drop spindle class a couple of years ago, and do some spinning. I find spinning to be relaxing in a different way than knitting, though I don't do it that often. And while drop spinning is enjoyable (and portable) it's not the most efficient way to make a lot of yarn. I also like the idea of spinning wheels, but haven't tried spinning on a wheel yet. This is partly because I haven't had time, and partly because I'm not sure I want to invest the money in buying a wheel. But I've had a few people offer to let me try spinning on a wheel at knit night, so we'll see...

I've also been doing more papercrafting recently. For me this mostly means creative journaling, a little scrapbooking, and a little bit of cardmaking. I also made a few things at a papercrafting event over the weekend, but more on that tomorrow (have to keep you reading somehow ;)

I also like to bake, which I think is another type of craft (especially today, since I could go to the store and buy a box of cookies instead of baking them myself). Today I was trying out a new recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Not sure I'm that impressed with the recipe - since the dough seemed pretty soft, and then I noticed most people online said they ended up adding more flour. Will have to experiment some more.

And one of the first crafts I tried was jewelry making. I used to make woven friendship bracelets in elementary school, and we also used to make bracelets out of telephone wire. I've done some beading, though not as much recently. Organizing the beads is still on my to-do list! I also have a few projects planned that add beads to knitting. And I've seen a few people mention knit and crochet wire jewelry which looks interesting...

So many crafts, so little time! What crafts have you tried? What are your favorites?

If you want to check out more blogs on this topic, search for 3KCBWDAY7

1 comment:

  1. I haven't even started yesterday's post! Life got busy.

    Other crafts: beads, either with crochet or wire, but no wire-wrapping. I also have dabbled in drop-spindling, but don't make time for it. And what takes up most time: music. Playing and singing with friends.
