Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Redefining Craft

Since it's a new year, I thought I would try reviving the blog again. I made it 4 months last year posting at least once a week. I don't want to spend a lot of time looking back on why I stopped posting, but I did realize that I enjoy having blog or knitting challenges. I like working on goals with a community of other people also working on the same goals.

This year I thought I would try the Pagan Blog Project. I thought about starting a new blog for Pagan posts, but that seems like too much work ;) And it also made me think about how I define craft in the first place.

I originally started this as a craft blog, to focus on knitting projects and fiber related events. As my craft interests have expanded, I've also added some entries about papercrafts, stamping, and even a little baking. Crafting also overlaps with my spirituality - for example, I'm slowly making myself a set of runes. I've also done some work with Soul Collage, which overlaps not just with my spiritual self, but my professional self as well.

At some point it just gets too complicated to keep all of these different facets of myself separate!
And Craft can also be used as shorthand for the Craft of the Wise or Witchcraft. So really, this will still be a craft blog, I'm just expanding the definition to include my experiences practicing the Craft as well as making crafts.

My plan right now is to post once a week about crafts and once a week about the Craft (following the prompts from the Pagan Blog Project). Though sometimes these entries may overlap more than others.

I hope you'll enjoy sharing my crafty journey this year :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a plan! Looking forward to reading your posts. Planning to do the Yarn Crawl next month?
