Saturday, January 7, 2012


Keeping up with my goal of one post per week! Also updated my profile in case anyone is interested.
I have also been thinking about my knitting goals for 2012. There seems to be an abundance of groups on Ravelry dedicated to making 12 of something (pairs of gloves, socks, shawls, other item of your choice) in 2012. But, as a typical Gemini, I don't want to commit to knitting 12 of any particular item this year. So instead I came up with 12 general goals for the year:
1. Knit a sweater (I've been thinking about this for awhile, so it's time to do it already!)
2. Make a yarn budget - and stick to it! (This should include yarn, fiber, patterns, knitting books)
3. Knit 12 things totally from stash - yarn, pattern and needles (note I'm not committing to knitting the same items, but trying to use down the ever-growing stash)
4. Knit a shawl from yarn I spun (so far I've only knit ornaments from my handspun, so would like to try something bigger)
5. Complete a knitting project with beads (I've started one, but haven't finished)
6. Knit a pair of convertible gloves (something else I've been thinking about for awhile and haven't gotten around to)
7. Knit a pair of socks from the toe-up (I've only knit socks cuff down, so want to try toe up)
8. Knit a pair of socks 2 at a time (enjoyed doing fingerless gloves 2 at a time, so want to try socks)
9. Organize UFOs (not sure how many projects have been started and not finished). Want to decide which ones to frog and which ones to finish - and finish at least one from the pile.
10. Update my Ravelry project page and include pictures
11. Learn to knit cables without a cable needle (I've heard people say this can be a faster technique, and have been wanting to try it)
12. Knit something for charity (always good to give back!)

Do you have any crafty goals for the 2012 that you'd like to share?


  1. Nice goals! We still meet Wednesday evenings at Whole Foods if you'd like to join us. :-) Course there's tons of groups meeting that night. There's also Thursday nights at Urban Fiber Arts (I rarely get to that one though.)

  2. That's a big list! But it all sounds good. I want to cut my first steek this year, but I said that last year, too!

    I have some tutorials on knitting cables without a cable needle. Some are in pictures, and some area videos. Check them out here, if you'd like:

    Or maybe I should just show you! I just finished my OXO cable mitts, no cable needle ever!

  3. Thanks, Tami! I haven't been to knit night at Whole Foods in ages, should check it out again - especially since I live even closer to Whole Foods now!

  4. Thanks for the link, Michele! I've been thinking about making a pair of your OXO cable mitts.
